Cellphone mania – a process of addiction
I have a humble request to people who call me on my cellphone: Ask these simple questions to yourself before calling. 1. Is this call really important? Can my questions be answered through text (SMS or Email) ? 2. Is this call so urgent and important that I cannot wait for a few hours to get a reply? 3. is there a possibility that the receiver of the call may find it inconvenient to answer the call? 4. Are the topics of discussion of a specific nature that we cannot leave any record in text form ? I was experiencing a reduction in hearing ability on my left ear for a few years. Meanwhile, my wife happened to mention about Prof Girish Kumar from IIT Bombay who is doing a lot of research on health hazards of mobile phones and mobile towers. The most important conclusion was that mobile phones have an impact on our health! As the hearing problems increased, my awareness about mobile phones also improved a little bit. I started observing the calls I make and the calls I ge...